Quality of Publication

The publication quality of a journal refers to the rigor, significance, and novelty of the research published. Some metrics for evaluating publication quality include the percentage of original research articles, the number of scientific papers published annually, and whether the journal is indexed in respected databases like Scopus, Web of Science, and PubMed. High-quality journals publish mostly original research, have high research output, and are indexed widely to expand visibility and citation impact. The scientific merit of published articles, as assessed through rigorous peer review, is key.


Globalization reflects how globally diverse and accessible a journal is. Indicators include publishing articles with titles/abstracts in English, the breadth of authorship across countries, an editorially diverse international board, utilizing reviewers worldwide, and the journal’s circulation and readership abroad. The most influential journals in a field will attract submissions and readership from across borders. This wide reach amplifies dissemination and the potential impact of published research.


Stability reflects the journal’s viability and longevity. Measures of stability are the regularity of publication and the age of the journal. The most reputable journals maintain regular publication schedules and have been in circulation for many years or decades. This demonstrates the journal’s sustainability, organizational structure, and ability to continuously publish high-quality content.

Technical Quality Inspection

Technical quality inspection covers the journal’s digital publication standards. This includes properly assigning DOI article identifiers, having articles available online, making editorial/abstract/full-text information accessible, and utilizing high-quality bibliography management tools. Optimal technical quality inspection allows readers to easily find, access, cite, and engage with journal content.


Rigorous standardization procedures elevate journal quality. Critical standards include the peer review process, requiring statements of article originality, and copyright/legal policies for published content. Stringent standards for publication ensure appropriate vetting and novel contributions. Clear policies on legal matters like ownership and copyright protect both the journal and authors.

Editorial Board Member

Editorial board member quality covers the journal’s presentation, structure, and author resources. High standards would include clear branding/title on the cover, editorial/contact information, detailed author guidelines, consistent article structure, and high editorial/publishing standards. These editorial elements signal professionalism and facilitate authors’ publishing work that fits the journal’s scope and style.

Print and Website Design

For print journals and online platforms, design quality affects readability and engagement. Print issues should showcase high-quality graphics and enable color printing if suitable. Websites should be visually appealing, readable, and have intuitive navigation. A polished presentation, in print or online, enhances the overall user experience.